Izzi Barthow

Izzi joined the YoYo team in September 2015. She works part-time in the East of the city. 

Izzi grew up on the North Coast of Northern Ireland and moved to England for a gap year in London. Following this year working with London City Mission she completed a degree in York. She loves getting alongside the young people in the city, whether in clubs, lessons or assemblies, and the opportunity to work closely with local churches.

You can contact Izzi at izzi@yoyotrust.org.uk

Janine Gray

Janine describes herself as ‘a proper Yorkshire lass’! She grew up in East Yorkshire and has lived in South Yorkshire for the majority of her life, working in the local Church in various roles. She is looking forward to getting to know North Yorkshire.

Janine is married to Gavin and they have two children, Oliver and Amelia. She is delighted to be moving to York, and to get to know North Yorkshire! She is excited to be joining the YoYo team and helping to bring the Bible to life to the young people of York.

If you wish to contact Janine you can email her at janine@yoyotrust.org.uk