
The most important thing that you can do for YoYo is pray for us. The Bible teaches that without the help of God, we can do nothing. Over the years that YoYo has been around, we have seen many answers to prayer, from new doors opening in schools to unexpected finances coming in just when most needed. Please continue to pray for our upcoming work! Here’s how you can get involved with us through prayer:

Prayer meetings

Join us for our quarterly prayer meetings. For upcoming dates see our news page.

We hold a weekly prayer meeting on Zoom every Thursday during term time from 11.30 - 12. All are welcome. Email for the link.

Prayer calendar

Every month the team look through their calendars and make a list of specific events you can pray for. You can download our latest prayer calendar by clicking here.

Week of Prayer

Every year we have a whole week dedicated to prayer. During this week we encourage people to pray for our work in schools, for the schools in our city, and for our team and trustees. This year our week of prayer is happening 12th-16th May 2025. We have put together an engaging and useful resource pack to give you more information and help you pray. Our pack is aimed at children this year, but all are welcome to download and use it. Click here to download.  

Church visits

We are really happy to visit any churches or groups who would like to have us. We would love to come and share more about our work, worship, and pray with you. Please contact us if this is something you would be interested in.